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Thomas E. “Eddie” Greenwell


, age 89, of Payneville died Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at Harrison Springs Health Campus in Corydon, Indiana.

Eddie was born on Christmas day 1934 to Horace and Louise Greenwell.  A child of the Great Depression, Eddie was driven at a young age to learn all he could and raise himself and his community out of the difficult times he was born into.  He studied hard in school and set out to be a difference maker.

After earning a bachelor’s degree from Western Kentucky University, Eddie began teaching school at Sirocco, a now closed school that was part of the Meade County school system at the time. He had a passion for learning and teaching and is fondly remembered by many of his students. He went on to earn his master’s degree in English from the University of Louisville before the end of his teaching career. Eddie left full-time teaching to work at Olin chemical plant in Brandenburg, but continued to serve as a substitute teacher for many more years all over Meade County.  Eddie worked at the plant for over 40 years before retiring from the shipping department.

Outside of work, Eddie was very involved in his family and community. He was married to Doris (Smith) Greenwell, who proceeded him in death, for 60 years. He is survived by five children: Randy Greenwell, Lloyd (Linda) Greenwell (Franklin, Indiana), Roger Greenwell, Tina (Rick) Stith and an adopted daughter, Marie Greenwell. He is also survived by 8 grandchildren: Katie (Matt) Logsdon, Andy (Katie) Greenwell, Allison Greenwell, Kayla Greenwell, Phillip (Megan) Stith, Mark Stith, Randall Greenwell, and Marsha Greenwell. Eddie was also blessed with 10 great-grandchildren.

His adopted daughter, Marie, was originally a foster child of Eddie and Doris.  Over the years, they cared for over 80 foster children! Marie faced significant developmental challenges and was at particular risk of not finding a permanent family. Even though Marie was nearly 20 years younger than any of their other children, Eddie and Doris chose to adopt Marie and care for her the rest of their lives.

During Marie’s early childhood, the Crusade for Children provided her with critical medical assistance.  Eddie was touched by the care he was shown by that organization, and he never forgot the impact they had on Marie. For the rest of his life, Eddie worked tirelessly to promote and raise money for the Crusade, working alongside the Payneville Fire Department.  He was always proud when they would set a new fundraising record each year, often raising more than much larger communities in the process.

It was his work with the Payneville Fire Department that may be one of his longest lasting legacies. Like many volunteer fire departments, Payneville was housed in a small and outdated building and used aging equipment. Eddie organized a weekly bingo game in Brandenburg and other fundraising endeavors to improve the facilities and equipment of the department. Because of his dedication, the Payneville Fire Department was able to build, and later expand, a brand-new fire house and replace nearly every single piece of equipment in their fleet, without taking on debt or adding additional burden to taxpayers.

This ‘take charge’ attitude is no surprise to the people who knew him best. Eddie was always very active in his community. He was band booster president for 8 years and his fundraising efforts allowed the band to purchase much needed new equipment. Church was also important to Eddie. He was a longtime cantor at St. Mary’s in Payneville and worked the weekly bingo for the church for many years, as well as bingo at the church picnic. Always civic minded, Eddie also was elected and served as a Meade County Magistrate.

Eddie was quick to step up when his community needed him. He always said it was his life’s goal to leave the world just a little better than he found it. He impacted countless people in his community because of his willingness to give of himself for the benefit of others.

His legacy of giving will continue through Eddie’s choice to donate his body to the University of Louisville for scientific research. As such, there will be no formal services at this time per his wishes. A small graveside service will be conducted at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in memory of Eddie Greenwell to the Crusade for Children through the Payneville Fire Department (PO Box 11, Payneville, KY 40157).

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